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Praise and Worship Bible

The call to worship and praise our God is part of our spiritual growth that allows us to create a bond of deep connection with the creator. Safeliz's new release, the Praise and Worship Bible, has been created with this goal in mind, to encourage our homes, churches and small groups to devote special time to learning through reading devotionals, singing with family and friends, and deep study of God's word. The Praise and Worship Bible has several features that make this edition unique and special. Each element implemented in the creation of this Bible brings together resources and materials to make personal and family worship easier.

It includes 210 songs inspired by the biblical texts for different age groups, "kids, teenagers, young people and everyone", which will help to enrich the personal and group experience. This collection of songs is part of the songbook I will praise you, Jehovah! It has its own original music based on Bible stories, characters and scripture verses to enjoy the songs individually, in duos, trios, quartets, choirs and in church as well. In addition, the lyrics of all the songs are found in a box in the Bible, being as close as possible to the biblical verse from which they are composed. Each song has a QR code that allows access, through any mobile device, to a video with the lyrics of the song superimposed on it. Each of these biblical songs has been produced with the intention of uplifting and further elevating the worship and praise of our God. This collection of unpublished melodies has the participation of musicians and singers from different countries who have put their talent in God's hands to carry out this musical repertoire that helps each one of us to memorise the word of God through song.

Another special feature of this Bible is that it has five daily devotionals with 365 messages to make family or personal worship a more delightful moment of reconnection with God. These five devotionals have been incorporated with five different icons with the opportunity to offer a specific and more appealing approach for each age group. For children under the age of 12 there is the devotional Lamp for My Feet, with the aim of teaching the youngest children to turn God's word into a guide for their lives.

For teenagers between the ages of 12 and 16, the message is found in This is the Way, where the author presents us with everyday life situations to apply the message of the day and to know how to make the right choice. Likewise, The rock of my heart, is another devotional for young people over 16 years old with the purpose of learning to place more trust in the almighty God, in the One who promised to help us in every moment of our lives. On the other hand, we have a devotional for the whole family: In the shelter of the Most High, which allows us to enter into a walk with God and reflect on the deepest values that guide us to give ourselves to God. Finally, this Bible offers us a daily devotional by Ellen White, To Know Him, with unpublished articles containing personal messages taken from manuscripts and unpublished letters, in order to make a passionate appeal to each person.

Thus, for each day of the month you will find one of these five devotionals in print, while the others will be accessible through a QR code on the side of the box. In total, there are 1,825 messages that will make your time with God more practical and enjoyable.

On top of this, the Praise and Worship Bible has a special index that makes it easy to locate the content, several Bible maps, articles about the Back to the Altar initiative and comes with three complete books that can be accessed via QR code: Steps to Christ, God is Alive and Living Like Elijah, books that inspire you to live by faith, not by sight. A unique edition of the Bible that offers everything you need to help you draw closer to God, personally or together.

Would you like to purchase this Bible and improve your relationship with God through sincere and voluntary worship? The official release of the Praise and Worship Bible (initially in English and Spanish) will take place at the Back to the Altar Congress, 14-16 June 2024 in Madrid. The Bible will then be available for sale at and Very soon, the Praise and Worship Bible will also be available in Portuguese.

Follow Safeliz on social media to find out when it goes on sale, as well as all the latest news.

Praise and Worship Bible ADVENT7