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Adriana Perez

“Everything seemed interesting to me. Pastor Ted Wilson spoke about the need to return to the altar of God because sometimes we get distracted and set aside our Creator. We should gather more often as it is a spiritual encounter. This gives us the opportunity to meet more people, and it is believed that this is how the gathering in heaven will be", Nancy Grandes said with excitement.

The national congress “Back to the Altar, United by the Word” took place on the weekend of June 14 in Madrid, where more than 4000 people attended the event. It was undoubtedly a blessing for each one who experienced it, an opportunity to serve, as well as to increase knowledge, delving into the word of God as a community.

Back to the altar is a need that each of us feels when we return to the arms of God. It is the renewal of our faith, where we recognize and seek reconciliation with our Savior, a recommitment to participate in the works that exalt our God. But even more importantly, it is the search for spiritual direction that helps us find the path we long for. “Back to the Altar” is allowing us to return to a deeper and more committed relationship with our Creator.

The congress featured special guests such as Pastor Ted Wilson, Ramón Canals, Williams Costa Jr., and Jonatán Tejel, who shared the message with the people of God, reminding us that “back to the altar” is more than a need, it is the “opportunity to understand the relationship with God through the Bible, personal prayer, and the power of small groups.”

What a beautiful opportunity for pastors and churches to work together in the Lord’s work. God asks you to be faithful to the mission, keep your eyes fixed on God. Keep your eyes on the word of God and He will send you to every place in Spain to spread the message throughout the country,” said Ted Wilson, president of the world conference of the Adventist church, in his emotional message on Saturday morning. This is how God works, this is how God acts.

Débora, along with her husband Vinicius, had traveled from Valencia to attend the congress: “I thought it was a very good initiative; there was a lack of events like this in Spain. It has been a good opportunity for people to reconnect with old friends and also to meet new people,” Débora explained.

In addition to the presence of these incredible pastors, we praised God tirelessly through various special songs by different churches in Spain. But even more, we had the experience of seeing the musical group Arautos Do Rei live, who delighted us with their talented voices singing praises to God. However, we must highlight the most beautiful part of the entire congress: all those souls who were dedicated to God in baptism. Glory and eternal honor be to our God! Each person witnessed a spectacular event, with testimonies that reminded us how blessed we are and of God’s faithfulness.

During the three days, the congress hosted various ministries, such as the Women's Ministry, AEGUAE (an association of Adventist university students and graduates in Spain), and the Ministry of Possibilities. A 10-year-old boy told me how they helped churches create a more adapted environment to include deaf-mute people. “I’m here, people come to me and I tell them what this is all about, I’m not ashamed,” Abel commented. Each of these ministries had a very important function: to make their work known and how other people can be part of these great teams. “I got to know several ministries I had never heard of, like Next Meet or the volunteer mission to Guinea-Bissau that Safeliz will organize,” Débora said, impressed by the number of opportunities within our church.

Nonetheless, each person took something unique and special from this congress, whether it be the praise, the message, the testimonies, the friendships, or the workshops, but always with the same bond - Jesus. He is the bond that keeps us united despite our differences as human beings. Débora expressed that she felt “very happy to be part of this event. The preachings and workshops have confirmed to me that Jesus will return soon and that we have a lot of work to do. We all have a mission and it’s time to get to work.”

Photos: Hope Media ES (Misha Kulishenko)

Ellen G White

The aim of God’s Word is to inspire hope, to lead us to fasten our hands to this ladder and climb step by step heavenward, with ever-increasing vigor. It is the key to the sense in which we partake of the nature of God. We attain a likeness of character to God by the imparting of His own grace. . . . 

There are still additional steps to take. Add “to godliness brotherly kindness.” [2 Peter 1:7.] Thus there will not be merely a profession of Bible religion, but a sincere, earnest practice of godliness. We must be partakers of the divine nature before we can represent the Christlike character and practice the works of Christ. The climbing Christian will not sit passive, claiming the promises, enjoying the grace given him of God, but will work from principle. He is a worker together with God. The grace given him of God teaches him how to be kind and tender and helpful to his brethren. There is no waiting for an over-powering, magical change to be wrought into the conversion of others without any action of our own. Life becomes a humble but earnest working out of salvation with fear and with trembling, knowing that God worketh in us both to will and to do of His own good pleasure. The very exercise of brotherly kindness assimilates the soul to Christ and brings him into sympathy with Christ. . . . 

The Word of God enjoins upon every one of His children: “Be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous.” 1 Peter 3:8. Now, unless godliness was added to patience, man would not show that brotherly kindness. In His mission to our world, Christ has shown man the graces of the Spirit of God, which, when accepted, fashion and mold the entire man, externally as well as internally, by abasing his pride and leading him not to esteem himself highly but to esteem his brother as precious in the sight of God because Christ paid an infinite price for his soul. When man is valued as God’s property, then we will be kind, amiable, and condescending toward him.

The religion of Jesus Christ is a system of the true heavenly politeness and leads to a practical exhibition of habitual tenderness of feeling and kindness of deportment. He who possesses godliness will also add this grace, taking a step higher on the ladder. The higher he mounts the ladder, the more of the grace of God is revealed in his life, his sentiments, his principles. He is learning, ever learning, the terms of his acceptance with God, and the only way to obtain an inheritance in the heavens is to become like Christ in character.